Your Profile
Your profile:
Your profile is your company information in the event online catalogue and is open to all visitors. Here, your company logo, fascia name, company phone, photos of your products and promotional information of your company are shown. You can update this information from the My Profile section after login to the IDOS platform.
Your profile is your company information in the event online catalogue and is open to all visitors. Here, your company logo, fascia name, company phone, photos of your products and promotional information of your company are shown. You can update this information from the My Profile section after login to the IDOS platform.
Profiliniz etkinlik online kataloğunda yer alan firma bilgilerinizdir ve tüm ziyaretçilere açıktır. Burada firma logonuz, tabela isminiz, firma telefonunuz, ürünlerinizin fotoğrafları ve firmanızın tanıtım bilgilerine yer verilmektedir. Bu bilgileri sisteme login olduktan sonra My Profile bölümünden güncelleyebilirsiniz.